Introduction of a business poet

An illustrated image of business poet Harley Bell sitting at a desk.

Hi, I’m Harley

My name is Harley Bell and I’m going to become a business poet.
In the summer of 2022, I decided to change my life.
I committed to writing full time.

I took an oath to share my poetry with the world. No matter what it took. Even if this meant starving in the process.
But this is where this blog comes in. My aim is to channel my love for business through a mixture of poetry and articles.

I want to share the lessons I learn along the way.

My ultimate goes is to become a business poet. What is a business poet? It’s a person possessing special powers of imagination or expression that can be applied to matters of business.

This blog is the interweaving of the seemingly unconnected parts of myself. Business and poetry.

I’m very excited about it.

Let’s journey together.

I want this blog to be a source of inspiration and ideas

I want it to be the culmination of everything I have learnt and continue to learn along the way. I anticipate many challenges.

One of these challenges is the self-imposed freedom of a freelancer. My time is my own and I can design it how I wish.
This is a blessing and a curse. It is a good problem to have but it is a problem, nonetheless.
In order to afford myself this freedom, I cut back on every possible financial expense. Including rent.
I am writing this introduction on the road.

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand Of Darkness

There is a long tradition of poverty-stricken poets

This is part cliché, part rite of passage. Perhaps, in order to become a financially fluent writer, one must dedicate themselves to their craft.

I believe there is always a choice available to us, turn towards our art or get busy living.
I have always found it difficult to balance both. T
his blog is an attempt to balance the seemingly opposing worlds of poetry and business.

I spent years caught up in hustle culture. I was chasing the ever-elusive dream of an entrepreneur.
I started a café, built a business and burnt myself out.
I destroyed myself in pursuit of money.

Now, I’m poorer than ever but happy.
My craft is improving. I write every day except Sundays.

I’m constantly learning new things

I am taking an iterative approach. I find resonance with this quote.

“Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.”
G.K. Chesterton

It is punk but it also means business. If something is important enough then even the most banged up version is better than not doing it at all. I am applying this attitude to this blog.
I’m absolutely certain I will make mistakes along the way.
But I’m equally certain I will learn and improve.

Starting is the hardest part

This then, is the beginning of my blog. It will only get better from here.
This approach also helps me combat the perfectionist procrastinator part of my personality but that is a story for another time.

I’m a poet, learning to be a blogger.
I’m an ex-hospitality human, learning a new industry from scratch.
This is new territory for me and I’m excited to explore.

Let’s learn how to become financially and creativity stable poets.

Talk soon,

Harley Bell

Harley Bell is a poet from Aotearoa, New Zealand. He has been published in Tarot, A Fine Line, Globally Rooted and Overcom. He spends his time in cafes, libraries, forests and parks. He draws inspiration from the conversation between the natural world and cityscapes. He isn’t sure why he wrote this in the third person.

When was the last time you took yourself on a date?