Reflections on a rejected manuscript

A cartoon bird writing a manuscript with a giant pencil.

Manuscript update

My poetry manuscript (Wild Altar) was rejected for publication. I wanted to update you on the process and progress of my manuscript becoming a book. I also wanted to give myself a pep talk.

There is a great expanse of silence after submitting a manuscript. It can be months. Longer. Sometimes, the silence feels like it will never end. There are many places that do not acknowledge submissions or let you know about the impending rejection. Granted, this was an unsolicited submission. It is a kindness to send me something. Even if that something is bad news.

I was searching the internet for poetry-presses that I thought would be a good fit. I found a few, spent a few hours reading guidelines and writing cover letters. There are more publishers out there and I will send my manuscript to them too.

I suspected this was coming as soon as I saw the email. There is something suspicious about the subject line of a form letter.  I won’t deny that it hurt. Any rejection does. My writing has been rejected many times before but it still feels like a jab to the gut.

I know, there is nothing else for it but to keep going. I know, persistence is key. But I wanted to talk about the process of feeling the feelings as part of being a writer. I don’t want to pretend I am immune.

Feel the feelings and let it hurt

This means you care. Means you are connected to the work. Means the work matters. I will hear no far more times than yes and it only takes one yes.

I am writing this in the vulnerable space of a fresh wound. Forgive me my rants. There is never any feedback, no pipeline. No communication but form letters. It leaves me guessing, how can I improve?

Did I do something wrong? Was it the writing? Was it me?
(I know it is market conditions, viability, profitably, fit, taste etc) But it is hard not to take it personally. I know, it is just business. But it feels like rubbing salt in the symptoms of an imposter syndrome. I feel like I am pretending to be professional.

What if I do not have it in me to keep submitting?

I need a pep talk

Right now, it needs to come from within myself. I am still gathering community around me. Writing is an interesting industry and as of this moment, it feels hard to get a foot in the door. Rejection is also an opportunity. A closed door can be an invitation to knock louder.

The opportunity is a chance to learn and improve and try again. It is an opportunity for relationship building.

I started another manuscript. I do not know if this is perseverance or stupidity. It could be both. It is a poetry collection, titled Temple Fire. I am happy with it so far. If you like, I will tell you about it soon. Keep an ear out, yeah?
Right now, I need to remind myself to have faith in the process.

I need to keep going

Keep going, even through the bad days, the unmotivated days, the one’s where everything feels hard. Keep pressing send. Keep talking about poetry. Keep starting the conversations. The rejections make the good days all the sweeter.

Right now, I will pull my socks up, put on my best dancing shoes and keep moving forward.

Let’s talk again soon,

Harley Bell

Harley Bell is a poet from Aotearoa, New Zealand. He has been published in Tarot, A Fine Line, Globally Rooted and Overcom. He spends his time in cafes, libraries, forests and parks. He draws inspiration from the conversation between the natural world and cityscapes. He isn’t sure why he wrote this in the third person.

How to write a nature poem


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