Google Review: Bestie café, Auckland.

Bestie Cafe in Auckland.

It may have been a dream. I can’t remember now. All that matters was my vision quest to find a bathroom. I’d been slamming flat whites into my bladder all morning. The caffeine shook my bowels like a city on a fault line. Was there going to be an earthquake in my pants?

Not today. I’d found the promised land. There were toilet-rolls stacked in towers. There were dried flowers in a vase. A neutral smell clung to the air, reminiscent of a well-scrubbed floor. The door lock worked, the toilet flushed and the taps of the sink flowed with beautiful, clean water.

Meanwhile, I looked above to the high heavens. My disembodied bowels grounded themselves in the waters below. When I woke, there was a shelf behind the cistern. Had it always been there? There was reading material. Books. They had my name on them. Did I put them there? I can’t remember now.

Everything felt like a dream. Was it wild of me to hope that my words could occupy a mind while the body perched on a porcelain throne? Perhaps, I live here now. Even books, shall eventually find their home.

Would poop again. 5 Stars.

Harley Bell

Harley Bell is a poet from Aotearoa, New Zealand. He has been published in Tarot, A Fine Line, Globally Rooted and Overcom. He spends his time in cafes, libraries, forests and parks. He draws inspiration from the conversation between the natural world and cityscapes. He isn’t sure why he wrote this in the third person.

Google Review: Best Ugly Bagels. Auckland Airport.